
Amidst all the Purim dress up and dramatic play, we have not forgotten to incorporate plenty of Purim related activities into the language, math, sensorial, art, and practical life areas in the classroom! It's been so busy, we don't have a photo of every single activity, but here is a glimpse into what else has been going on! Enjoy! The children have been practicing their one to one correspondence while 'decorating' numbered Purim crowns... They've been working on three part language cards. Step one: Line up the Purim pictures that already have the name of the imaged attached to the card. Step two: Match the nameless pictures to the original pictures lined up. Step three: Place the correct name of the picture underneath the nameless picture. (Hard to explain this on here, but it's a pretty advanced activity that promotes pre-reading and language skills. If you stop in the classroom sometime, we will happily demonstrate the process!)
We started our week with great sensory fun. In place of snow, we created our own moon sand - a nice tactile experience for the children .  If they've been coming home a bit flowery some days, now you know why :). Back right into things... the children have been interested in magnets lately, so this activity was a hit. They use the magnet wand to discern which items are magnetic and which are not. And here's what else we've been up to! We have officially begun our three week unit on colors, color mixing, and famous artists. How else to begin then by learning about the primary colors and using them to create other beautiful colors? Here's how it is done: 1: Choose two colors from the large paint jugs. 2: Mix them up to create new colors. 3: Label which colors were used to create the new colors. 4: Display the beautiful new colors. 5: Finally, introduce easel painting and use fine-tipped paintbrushes to