We started our week with great sensory fun. In place of snow, we created our own moon sand - a nice tactile experience for the children .  If they've been coming home a bit flowery some days, now you know why :).

Back right into things... the children have been interested in magnets lately, so this activity was a hit. They use the magnet wand to discern which items are magnetic and which are not.

And here's what else we've been up to! We have officially begun our three week unit on colors, color mixing, and famous artists. How else to begin then by learning about the primary colors and using them to create other beautiful colors? Here's how it is done:

1: Choose two colors from the large paint jugs.

2: Mix them up to create new colors.

3: Label which colors were used to create the new colors.

4: Display the beautiful new colors.

5: Finally, introduce easel painting and use fine-tipped paintbrushes to paint with the new colors that were mixed!!

Below you will see the children matching colors in what we call 'our magic box of primary colors'. 

And that led us directly into introducing the artist of the week - Piet Mondrian - How appropriate that Mondrian used primary colors for his artwork! -- Here, the children use the 'magic box of primary colors' and match them to a piece of Mondrian's artwork.

And thus, our teamwork Mondrian piece of art began. First, the children put down strips of black tape...

Then the painting started. We are so impressed with this teamwork piece of art, and we think they are too!

Last, we also introduced a Mondrian activity on the art shelf. The children can design their own mini Mondrian artwork by using the primary colors to color in each box.

So, along with pajama day - I'd say we had a pretty busy week! 

Next week we will delve into Tu B'shvat for a few days and then continue with the artist unit.

Shabbat Shalom!


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