As you may have read on the whatsapp group - getting right back into the groove of things, we began the week by having the children draw their January self-portraits. It was interesting to watch the children try to match the pastels to the colors of their faces. But it was specifically interesting to compare these drawings to their self portraits from the first day of school. The children have grown so much since then! You will notice that some children are recognizing letters in their names, and some are beginning to trace their names on their pieces of work.

In the winter department - (our new thematic unit) - we have been discussing what the children know about winter. Here are some of their thoughts:

"Winter is cold."
"It snows in the winter."
"You can catch a snowflake on your tongue."
"We wear a scarf."

As we spend the next few weeks delving into this unit, we hope to give the children adequate time to explore all winter related wonders - including animals and hibernation, ice and water science experiments, winter related art activities in addition of course, to the Montessori activities found in the language, math, practical life, and sensorial areas of the classroom. 

Even though we only had two days of school this week so far, the children still found themselves deep into exploring these new winter activities...

Scooping and straining gems out of the snow...

Tweezing and sorting colorful snowballs...

Dressing the snowmen...

Spooning winter like gems from one bowl to another...

Color matching hats to scarves...

Learning how to put on gloves...

Filling a jar with snow via a funnel...

Matching snowflake to snowflake...

Using moveable alphabet letters to feel and match the letters in WINTER...

Shabbat Shalom all! And stay warm!


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